Thursday, May 19, 2011


Whoa. Only 6 days since my last post, but it feels like EONS. First things first, I guess. I got a job. A real life, wake up at the same time everyday, put make up on in the morning, bugging out on the first day, JOB. I'm fairly certain that Mark is happier than me. I actually haven't told many people. I guess because I've been kind of lazy for the last year and a half and if I didn't make it, I didn't want to seem like a giant loser. No going back now I guess. Cat's outta the bag. It's on the Internet. I did manage to keep a three day weekend, (score: Heather 1, job 0) which makes me incredibly lucky. I'm working in the billing department at a clinic in the big K. It's going alright. Enough said about that. : )
Pictures. I feel so guilty. I haven't taken a picture in almost a week. I miss it. : (  I'm also doing a wedding in June. Holy crow. Still bugging out about that, but imma be takin' that risk, boo. It should be fun.

My bestie, CoCo turned 30. We have officially kissed our twenties goodbye! I love that crazy bitch. (I feel no remorse calling her that because 1. she knows it's true and 2. she calls me that, too.) I STILL haven't celebrated with her, because her sis took her away to VEGAS for a birthday weekend without me, but am hoping to have a lunch date with her one day next week. Doesn't really compare, does it? Love you, CoCo!

Mark and I celebrated my return to the work force by not cleaning up after ourselves all week and ordering out tonight. We tried the new place Copeland's here in town and it did not disappoint. Homemade potato chips? Sign me up! Everything was great. I highly recommend you check it out. Yum...

On to things of very little importance. I'm pretty pissed Off the Map didn't make it to Season 2. I was really liking that show. On the plus side, Grey's is back. STOP reading here if you haven't watched the season finale yet (what did we do before Tivo and DVRs? Oh, wait, I still have neither of those) ...... OK. Meredith and Derek fighting and making up? That's Grey's! Alex being a complete ass? Totally Grey's. Christina doing whats best for Christina? So Grey's. It's back kids. Can't wait till fall! : )

Of even lesser importance? I am exhausted. I've been to bed this week every night at 10. Dudes.. that's a record.

Hope your week has been a good one! Here's to a weekend filled with relaxation and moderate quantities of booze. (if you so choose.)

Later gaters...

*Love Song- 311

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