The past week...wait, has it been that long? I have no idea. Anyway, more strange things have been happening. I ended up having to go in and have lab work done to check my progesterone and hcg levels. Can't remember if I mentioned that either.. I got a call today from the nurse at my OB's office saying things looked good, but they are starting me on a progesterone supplement anyway, just to be sure. I hate to say it, but I am not really looking forward to that, because my own hormones give me enough trouble as it is...
Here's something else thats weird. I have been having the strangest dreams. VIVID dreams. Not about anything particularly crazy, they're just so REAL. For instance, last night I dreamed that I met Carrie Curry and sweet Charlie Ann for lunch. I am fairly certain it's because I was thinking about Carrie last night when I saw a cute chevron printed skirt at old navy- and why that made me think of her, I have no idea...anyway, I guess that's what started it? Anyway, in the dream, we had lunch and we talked about decorating..because lets face it, Carrie is a genius on the baby cute idea front!!
Still no morning sickness. KNOCK ON WOOD. The unfortunate thing about that is I just feel like throwing up all day, and I never can actually be sick. Nice! I'm guessing the extra progesterone may push things over the edge on the puking front, but we'll see.
Also, I was bored today and decided to give the Chinese Gender Predictor a try. It says BOY. I guess we will see. : )
youre so funny...
i hope lunch was good:)
I cannot remember what we ate! Of course, I wrote this post a couple of weeks ago, SO.... I'm pretty clueless about anything before today!
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