Saturday, March 26, 2011

busy little bees

I didn't post yesterday, (25) and I am hoping to get 2 posts in today. Sorry for the delay! Yesterday morning I woke up with my hubby! That's a big thing considering the fact that I usually don't remember seeing him in the morning and I don't see him again until about 6:30PM! Anyway, after basking in that, Mark headed to Knoxville to do some shopping at Sam's and I went down to the old shop to help Bill pull up some expanded metal that we need for camping season. After sifting through some of the rubble, (and that was creepy!) we took a few odds and ends down to the shop to the girls. After that I met up with mark at my sisters apartment and got to visit with my mom and grandparents for a while too! : )

Later on, I got to meet Dec! He is the photographer I was telling you about. Last night was note taking and camera holding lessons. Apparently I am doing something right! I hold my camera well! I also got a few tips on how to reduce camera shake by using a tree or my shoulder. : ) I learned a little about Histograms and I am hoping to put that to more practical use this afternoon when I go for my practical lesson!

Dec is not only a kick-ass photographer, but he is also a super cool guy. A Virginia gentleman, with stories out the wazoo. After the lesson, we drank a few and listened to jokes. Beth made a fantastic supper of grilled chicken with stuffed potatoes and pasta salad. YUM YUM YUM. Tonight we are having ribs, and I'm pretty pumped because that woman can COOK.

Mark went to the "Auction" yesterday and got a new double barrel. I'm pretty stoked to see that thing in action. He's just stoked in general.  : )

OK, more on all this later, just wanted to catch up.

*Stranger Inside- Shinedown


Mandy said...

My photography instructor at UT has a photographer friend named Dee. I wonder if it's the same person. My instructor's name is Tom Geisler and he's a pretty awesome photographer!

Ellis Island said...

The guy's name is DeC...and he had a suitcase full of stuff that made me drool! : )

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